How to optimise engagement with parents/carers during the spring term

Clearsilver | Posted 1 month ago

The Christmas holidays are almost here, which means focus will soon turn to the spring term.

The spring term presents unique opportunities and challenges for parent/carer communication. The academic year's halfway point is February half term. Parents will be juggling back-to-school with other academic milestones - including the deadline for primary school applications and secondary school Offer Day.

With this in mind, there has never been a better time to assess your school’s engagement strategy. Here's how to keep parents/carers engaged for the rest of the year:

Supporting transition periods

The spring term marks a transition period across many year groups. It may mean starting school, changing schools, or making life-changing decisions. How your school communicates with parents/carers during this time is vital, and should address this directly.

With the deadline for EYFS applications falling in early January, now is the time to showcase your early years provision through virtual tours, day-in-the-life content - to help parents/carers envision their child in your setting.

For families with Year 6 pupils awaiting Offer Day (high school places), provide clear information about next steps and key dates with parents. Consider creating a dedicated section on your website with key details about the secondary school transition.

If you’re a secondary school, as you'll know, now is the time to begin GCSE options discussions with Year 9 parents/carers. Offer parents/carers comprehensive digital and/or printed resources explaining subject choices, ahead of Options Evening. If a parent/carer is unable to attend Options Evening, consider hosting virtual sessions to accommodate (if you don't already do so).

Build stronger community connections

The spring term offers numerous opportunities to strengthen the school community.

Plan and promote upcoming events with plenty of notice. Consider working with parents/carers when scheduling. Offering hybrid events - with in-person and virtual attendance - can significantly increase engagement from parents/carers.

Utilise social media to celebrate student achievements and school life. Regular updates about classroom activities, sports events, and projects can help parents/carers feel more connected to everyday life at school.

Consider asking parents/carers for suggestions to gather feedback about communication preferences and areas for improvement. This can be in-person (for primary schools, during pick-ups or drop-offs) or online (for secondary schools).

Practical support makes a difference

Parents/carers are increasingly looking to schools for practical support with their child’s education at home

Consider creating easy-to-access homework help resources on your website. These resources could include guides to current teaching methods. This is especially true for core subjects like maths, where methods may have changed since the parents' or carers' school days.

Also, share curriculum maps and topic overviews. This will let parents preview upcoming lessons and plan home activities. Inform families about extra-curricular activities, and their costs, well in advance. This lets them plan accordingly.

Make academic progress meaningful

For many parents/carers, the spring term lends itself to discussions about progress. Sending home reports is no longer enough. Consider a multi-channel approach to share academic updates with parents/carers.

Using other methods of communication for feedback and updates, like short teacher videos, adds a personal touch. It also makes academic info more engaging for busy parents and carers.

Looking ahead

Your school’s communication strategy in the spring term should also act as the groundwork for the summer term and beyond.

Sharing preliminary dates for summer events will allow parents/carers to plan ahead. Discuss next year with parents of children returning in September. Parents must be informed of any planned changes to the curriculum, uniform, or school operations - They will need ample time to act on it.

Also, ask parents/carers about their communication preferences and experiences. Use this to improve your future engagement strategy.

Putting it into practice

Remember: effective parent/carer engagement isn’t about the quantity of communication. It’s about the quality and accessibility. We would recommend focussing on:

  • Making information easily accessible, and digestible across multiple channels
  • Providing clear action points and next steps
  • Offer various engagement opportunities to suit different circumstances
  • Maintaining a consistent, warm, and professional tone across all communications

These strategies will help you connect with your school’s parent/carer community. This will boost student outcomes and your school's success.

Want to explore how to enhance your school's marketing and communication strategy further? Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and goals.

Next Post: First impressions count: 5 ways to make your school’s website stand out to parents